Product Design & Lifecycle blog

Knowledge will add value only when it is shared

Machines today can predict the maintenance time and suggest resources needed. Preventive maintenance has become more reality to many organisations. In my recent visits to some of the leading...

Fourth industrial revolution is here. A turning point for manufacturing?

All companies want their products to stand out and be the best at what they do: why else would we create them? But traditional revenue streams are drying up with cheaper competition from abroad....

What if your Machines could talk?

What an inspiring question. Digitalisation has enabled machines to collect data, process, analyse and share it with people. When machines are sharing information, they are connected and we use the...

How times have changed - From Product discussions to Business value partnerships

Not so many years ago the conversations most of our clients wanted to have with us was about our products; what would Autodesk Vault give them, What is Inventor's iLogic functionality and how do we...